lunes, 23 de octubre de 2017

My favorite movie

I don't have a unique favorite movie, so I will speak about the most recent movie that I enjoy a lot. The film is named Kubo and the two strings (2016), and is about a boy, Kubo, who lives with his mother, Sariatu. She is an ill star, and protects her son from her sisters, that only appear during the night. In adittion, she tells him the tale of Hanzo, a samurai and Kubo's father, and how he sacrificed himself to keep his family alive.

One day, Kubo is late and is detected by his aunts. Kubo's mother saves him using a spell, and he is sent to find his father's armor to face them. In his travel, Kubo knows Monkey, an amulet that came to life to protect him, and Beetle, a cursed samurai with an hybrid human/beetle form.

On the journey, Kubo and friends learn about confidence, loyalty, friendship, empathy and love, defeating Kubo's aunts in a metaphorical overcome of doubts and personal problems. This is the principal reason to recommend the movie, and if you hate the spoilers, don't worry. I told you a brief synopsis but the journey itself and the end of the film are the best part!! (On the other hand, if you like spoilers, just look at the colors in this text 😛)

Now, suppose you have small children. No problem!! This is a familiar movie: Beetle is a very funny character; the story is full of fantasy, adventure and action; and the visual effects are beautiful, with vivid colors and a 3D stop-motion that will make you appreciate the work behind the creation of this film... and maybe it motivates you to make your own familiar stop-motion movie 😉

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Angelo,
    I really enyoyed reading your film review. It is a great idea to watch films that transmit values such as friendship and loyalty. I like your description of how the boy's mother teaches him and also protects him.
    I am already motivated to watch this film!

  2. Hi Angelo,
    congratulations. You wrote an excellent review of the movie. Do you like animated movies? I would wanted to know who was the director or creator of this movie and in which country it was produced. Can you tell me?

    1. Hello Pierina!!

      I love animated movies, I think they are so relaxing and imply an observable effort and knowledge beyond the actuation skills. Kubo and the two strings is American (Laika Entertaiment) and was directed by Travis Knight.
