domingo, 29 de octubre de 2017


I enjoy all kinds of music, depending on my mood and thoughts. In this sense, I classify music according to rhythm, vocals, lyrics, focus and interaction among the previous aspects.

Some of my favorites music genres are Rap (e.g. Nach), Classical (e.g. Satie and Chopin), Rock (e.g. El Cuarteto de Nos), Symphonic metal (e.g. Therion), Bossanova (e.g. Coralie Clement), Folk (e.g. Blackmore’s Night), Accoustic (e.g. Billie Marten), among others, but most of my favorite groups belong to the electronic music, with lots of different styles. So, I made a tree with my favorite genres and their derivations, within the electronic style, I hope to order them in this way.

I chose two genres that explain my most common mood, passions and interests:

Neue Deutsche Todeskunst: A German genre from the early 1990s. It's about philosophical topics, such as existencialism, nihilism and pessimism, with nostalgia, longing, acceptance or sometimes despair. When I feel the pointless of our existence in a metaphysical approach, or the implicit futility in our daily acts and desires, I used to hear this genre to feel company with this feelings. Some good bands are Das Ich, Lacrimosa, Stillste Stund, Endraum, and Goethes Erben.

Future Pop: Funded by VNV Nation, is an energetic genre that speaks to us about the disappointing Modern Age, and how man turned against himself through misuse of science and technology. However, this songs have a hopeful meaning, calling for cooperation instead of competitiveness, and the correct use of knowledge considering our emotionality. New groups in this genre give new focuses, I recommend listening VNV Nation, the first and the best (personal opinion 😜)

If you are interested in listening some electronic group, and not just dancing, please feel free to use my tree of electronic music.

2 comentarios:

  1. Dear Angelo,
    I am really impressed by your knowledge of music genres and the philosophy behind them. Your classification according to rhythm and focus is also remarbable. I am surely interested in listening to this ytpe of music, which is totally new for me.

  2. Hi Angelo,
    Thanks for your writing. You did a great job of musical classification. I do not know almost any of the groups you mention, but after reading your writing I feel like listening to them.
