domingo, 5 de noviembre de 2017

My future job

I really love what I do. But my story is just beginning. In fact, it fits in a small measuring flask:

I started my undergraduate studies
in Environmental 
Chemistry in 2009,
 and since 2011 I’m 
convinced to devote
 myself to scientific 
research. That year 
I discovered my love
 for Physical Chemistry
and now I know how to
 mix it with Environmental Sciences,
Chaotic systems, Uncerntainty and Philosophy
 of Theories, Models and Representations in Sciences
 (yes, it may sound strange at first, but they are intimately 
connected). In addition, my experiences in the “Universidad 
Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación” gave me new visions
 about the great job of teachers, and how to transmit my knowledge
 to the next generations of scientists.

The work of  Environmental Chemists involve outdoor work (e.g. 
sampling under field conditions, participation in conferences) and
 indoor work (e.g. theoretical and experimental procedures), so I
 will travel a lot in and out of Chile.

I don’t think about salary, because I think if I love
 my job, I will do it well and I will motivate other
 people to work in the same, with their own
approaches and interests. 

At present, I’m a Master of Chemical Sciences, and I’m studying a PhD in Chemistry. In the future, I hope to use my knowledge to improve the social conditions of people in vulnerability situations, maybe focused on environmental racism and contributions to local knowledge and interest (e.g. Chemistry in prehispanic civilizations)

2 comentarios:

  1. Congratulations for what you have achieved! And the most imortant part is your contribution to society and the integration of different fields of knowledge.

  2. Angelo, I think your vision about science is very deep. Among all your description I would highlight the concept of "environmental racism". I hadn't heard abuout it. Thanks for your reflections.
