miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2017

English language challenge

I didn't have English as a subject when I studied Environmental Chemistry, and I had French in school. At first, I didn't have complications. Then, I start to read papers... in English... and I felt the horror: I didn't understand anything!! For example, it took me months to discover that "ground state" was "estado fundamental" and not "estado tierra". And that's so basic!! 😢

I was scared and I generated a revulsion towards English. That delayed my understanding of the language:

Films? I watched them with Spanish subtitles.
Music? I listen principally German bands.
Games? I always looked for translations.

It was difficult, but finally I understood papers. And when I improved my English, I noticed another problem: I only knew technical English 😟

Later, when I did my Master in Chemical Sciences (June 2015 - March 2016), the curriculum required basic English, and I took "English I" and "English II" with the first year undergraduated students. I feel like the grandfather of the course, but I took the teachings seriously and I learned a lot.

Now, during my PhD in Chemistry, I take another English course with greater complexity, and finally I don't feel any kind of fear or revulsion towards this language. The most useful tool for me was speaking and listening with a decent grammatical basis that I could improve using blogs. In fact, blogs can help you to improve your redaction and transmission of ideas too. I can think of a slogan: Turn yout flow of consciousness into a source of conviction using blogs 😜

Currently, I need to improve a lot my speaking. But now, I watch films with English subtitles or without subtitles, and my ears are more adapted to the pronunciation. In addition, I have a better vocabulary, especially in non-academics topics. So I can practice my speaking with myself while I improve my listening.

And that's how a horror story can become a "love" story 😅

1 comentario:

  1. Hi, Angelo,
    I really enjoyed reading your love story!!! Learning takes time and conscious effort, and also it is a virtuous cycle in which we learn by observing our weaknesses and also by turning them into strengths.
    Now you cannot let this improvement die, and you nedd to practice, practice, practice!
