lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017

Postgradute Studies

I became an Environmental Chemist in March 2014, but before that date I knew I would never stop to learn. Actually, I believe that our mental and personal growth depends on the acceptance that there is always new knowledge to learn, as I show in this scheme:

In this sense, I always feel the need to learn more about my specialty to do better research and deliver an effective teaching, so I would do a course of "Environmental Chemistry and Sustainability" or "Biogeochemistry".

I would include this subjects, ordered by general topics:
  • In Chemistry:
    • Analytical Chemistry.
    • Theoretical Chemistry.
    • Quantum Chemistry.
    • Statistical Thermodynamics.
    • Theory of Measurements and Errors.
    • Chemical Education.
  • In Environmental Chemistry:
    • Green Chemistry.
    • Earth Sciences (focused on Environmental Fate of Chemicals in Soils)
    • Environmental Modeling and Software.
    • Environmental Pollution, Management, Remediation, Prevention and Control.
  • In Philosophy and History:
    • Environmental History (focused on relationship among science, nature, economy and religion)
    • Philosophy of Statistics, Technology, Modeling and Chaos.
    • History and Philosophy of Environmental Sciences.
    • Environmental Law and Governance (focused on relationship between science and politics)
  • In other personal interests and holistic topics:
    • Science Communication.
    • Latin American Philosophy (focused on Philosophy of Liberation)
    • Chemistry in pre-Hispanic or pre-Columbian cultures.
Obviously, I can't take all this subjects in only one postgraduate program, and Chile doesn't have this topics with the focus that I want. Then, I would study abroad and I will participate in several conferences, where learning is rewarding in itself.

In addition, if I could study abroad, I'd do a full-time course, because I need to give exclusive dedication to research and publications while I study (sadly, nowadays "publish or perish" is the basis of a good resume in natural science) Later, when I has already built a career path, I will contribute in a concrete way with applications of chemistry in socio-environmental conflicts and sustainable education.

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi Angleo,
    like ever, you show an admirable intelectual restlessness. I think that you are going to need two or three lifes to can study all this topics!

  2. Thanks for your wise ideas. It is absolutely true that we never stop learning, and this is what makes life enjoyable!

  3. Thanks for your wise ideas. It is absolutely true that we never stop learning, and this is what makes life enjoyable!

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. You are right!, a lot of subjects to continue learning. I wish you may accomplish your goals. hard work and good luck!.
