martes, 21 de noviembre de 2017

Sports in our lives

Sports are a socially complex theme. On the one hand, there are people who despise it and don't see its positive effects on health, don't enjoy practicing them or even don't understand the government's attempts to encourage sport while promote the consumption of fast food. On the other hand, there are those who overestimate sports and convert them into a kind of religion, even killing people from an opposing team.

In Chile, the diffusion of positive effects of sports is strongly conditioned to personal views on the practice of sports. In fact, in the sports section of the news, sports and football are usually understood as synonyms, which gives an added value to footballers who sometimes come to feel like Gods and overvalue their contribution to the country or they believe they are above the law.

So... Where is the middle point? What is the healthy vision?

We should do sports or physical activity understanding its physical and psychological benefits and its connection with a good diet and a good sleep schedule. In addition, we should know that each person is different, so we need to organize healthy routines according to our personal tastes and habits.

My parents don't like sports, so I had a non-sporting childhood. Then, in school I hated the competitiveness of sports, and Physical Education was my worst subject ever. Finally, I met the basketball in a proffesional context watching the NBA. I quickly fall in love with the point guard position (PG). The PG is the primary desicion-maker in offense, he have the best view of game and many times he is considered as a "Game-maker" by his teammates. The best part is that when he wins, everyone wins. As a spectator, most people look at who scores the most points, but the PG is the one who gives the assists to other players, so each point is a double victory for him.

I think that each sport requires different skills to be done. If you only want to enjoy it, you don't need skills, you need a good company with people that respect the game of others. But in a competitive contex, you need to practise a lot!! Personally, I love much more the role of the coach: see others play, help detect failures of the rival team and create new plays.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Angelo. I share with you the experience with physical education, specially at secondary school. I hated gym lessons and avoided it as I coudl. Now I´m having a reunion with sports, practicing yoga.

  2. Hi angelo,
    I really enjoyed reading your interesting reflection about the role of sports in our lives and most of all the connection they have with a person's childhood and health.
    I also loves your videos.
