mi茅rcoles, 29 de noviembre de 2017

English language challenge

I didn't have English as a subject when I studied Environmental Chemistry, and I had French in school. At first, I didn't have complications. Then, I start to read papers... in English... and I felt the horror: I didn't understand anything!! For example, it took me months to discover that "ground state" was "estado fundamental" and not "estado tierra". And that's so basic!! 馃槩

I was scared and I generated a revulsion towards English. That delayed my understanding of the language:

Films? I watched them with Spanish subtitles.
Music? I listen principally German bands.
Games? I always looked for translations.

It was difficult, but finally I understood papers. And when I improved my English, I noticed another problem: I only knew technical English 馃槦

Later, when I did my Master in Chemical Sciences (June 2015 - March 2016), the curriculum required basic English, and I took "English I" and "English II" with the first year undergraduated students. I feel like the grandfather of the course, but I took the teachings seriously and I learned a lot.

Now, during my PhD in Chemistry, I take another English course with greater complexity, and finally I don't feel any kind of fear or revulsion towards this language. The most useful tool for me was speaking and listening with a decent grammatical basis that I could improve using blogs. In fact, blogs can help you to improve your redaction and transmission of ideas too. I can think of a slogan: Turn yout flow of consciousness into a source of conviction using blogs 馃槣

Currently, I need to improve a lot my speaking. But now, I watch films with English subtitles or without subtitles, and my ears are more adapted to the pronunciation. In addition, I have a better vocabulary, especially in non-academics topics. So I can practice my speaking with myself while I improve my listening.

And that's how a horror story can become a "love" story 馃槄

Changes in my study programme

I studied Environmental Chemistry and now I’m a student of PhD in Chemistry. Although both career are related with chemistry, the environmental component make a great difference, both in methodology and in thinking and implications of the work and objectives involved in doing science. In this sense, “PhD in Chemistry, mention in Environmental Chemistry” is a complicated and sometimes contradictory sciences area. I will describe some changes that could be made to my carrer based on this area.

  1. Curriculum: Environmental Chemistry imply the application of Chemistry in social aspects of our lives, using our knowledge with an holistic approach, linking different areas inside and outside the laboratory. So, I would add some elective subject about philosophical and historical aspects of Chemistry and their impacts on society, and other elective subject about transdisciplinary work and interaction among different scientifics (e.g. biologists, physicists, chemists, engineers, sociologists, lawyers, etc)
  2. Workload and length of studies: The first semester, PhD in Chemistry have two obligatory subjects (Advanced Physical Chemistry and the choice between Advanced Organic Chemistry or Advanced Inorganic Chemistry), and then one should take at least three elective courses in the whole four years. So, at first the workload is very stressful and then is very relaxed, leaving time for the thesis. I think the length of studies is correct, but maybe they could divide the obligatory subjetcs in two semesters the first year and include obligatory subjetcs depending on the mention of each student.
  3. Faculty facilities: I don't have any problem with the faculty facilities. Thesis are made in different laboratories, according to selected mention and teacher. So, a good option is to include a committee in charge of ensuring the correct realization of the thesis with appropriate reagents and laboral conditions.
  4. Use of technology: This is complex. Each mention requires different equipment and materials, including cutting-edge technology to ensure a publication. In this context, the university could improve their links with foreign universities making teamwork with they and improving the skills of chilean students through foreign courses. A good option is incorporate at least one stay abroad for free.
  5. Teaching methods: Variety of teachers imply a variety of teaching methods. In addition, different mentions and generational gap influence this aspect. In Environmental Chemistry, a good choice is the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) as student-centered approach to create a sense of social responsibility and connect with open-ended problems, typical in environmental sciences.

Summer holidays

For these summer holidays, I would like to visit San Luis Potos铆 again, and maybe travel to other cities in Mexico. I went there last October, and I made friends with whom I can’t speak in person (only computer and phone). They have invited me to stay there and go through different places, I only need some money to travel by plane.

We have a lot of issues in mind, including food, tourism and drink 馃槣

Regarding food, I would like to go to different food stalls that have the best food of Mexico, according to my friends. In the hotel and Universidad Aut贸noma de San Luis Potos铆, I ate enchiladas huastecas, enchiladas potosinas, chilaquiles, pozole, tamales, mole poblano, among others.

But I only ate churros with cajeta and nieve (ice cream) with rompope and cajeta flavor in food stalls, and I need more!!

Regarding tourism, I would like to visit “Museo Laberinto de las Ciencias y las Artes”, Tangamanga Park and “S贸tano de las Golondrinas”, but I think the weather could be against me, because when it is summer in Chile, it is winter in Mexico, so I would be careful.

There is a mixture between tourism and drink: “Ruta del Mezcal”, a tour of mezcal factories in San Luis Potos铆 and Zacatecas. But, if I would prefer to behave, I would have a coffee in specialty coffee shops.

Finally, I want to connect the tourism, drink and relaxed conversations going to a bar and talk about our lives, likes, ideas and passions drinking mezcal, and then go out and walk the streets at night.

martes, 21 de noviembre de 2017

Sports in our lives

Sports are a socially complex theme. On the one hand, there are people who despise it and don't see its positive effects on health, don't enjoy practicing them or even don't understand the government's attempts to encourage sport while promote the consumption of fast food. On the other hand, there are those who overestimate sports and convert them into a kind of religion, even killing people from an opposing team.

In Chile, the diffusion of positive effects of sports is strongly conditioned to personal views on the practice of sports. In fact, in the sports section of the news, sports and football are usually understood as synonyms, which gives an added value to footballers who sometimes come to feel like Gods and overvalue their contribution to the country or they believe they are above the law.

So... Where is the middle point? What is the healthy vision?

We should do sports or physical activity understanding its physical and psychological benefits and its connection with a good diet and a good sleep schedule. In addition, we should know that each person is different, so we need to organize healthy routines according to our personal tastes and habits.

My parents don't like sports, so I had a non-sporting childhood. Then, in school I hated the competitiveness of sports, and Physical Education was my worst subject ever. Finally, I met the basketball in a proffesional context watching the NBA. I quickly fall in love with the point guard position (PG). The PG is the primary desicion-maker in offense, he have the best view of game and many times he is considered as a "Game-maker" by his teammates. The best part is that when he wins, everyone wins. As a spectator, most people look at who scores the most points, but the PG is the one who gives the assists to other players, so each point is a double victory for him.

I think that each sport requires different skills to be done. If you only want to enjoy it, you don't need skills, you need a good company with people that respect the game of others. But in a competitive contex, you need to practise a lot!! Personally, I love much more the role of the coach: see others play, help detect failures of the rival team and create new plays.

lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017

Postgradute Studies

I became an Environmental Chemist in March 2014, but before that date I knew I would never stop to learn. Actually, I believe that our mental and personal growth depends on the acceptance that there is always new knowledge to learn, as I show in this scheme:

In this sense, I always feel the need to learn more about my specialty to do better research and deliver an effective teaching, so I would do a course of "Environmental Chemistry and Sustainability" or "Biogeochemistry".

I would include this subjects, ordered by general topics:
  • In Chemistry:
    • Analytical Chemistry.
    • Theoretical Chemistry.
    • Quantum Chemistry.
    • Statistical Thermodynamics.
    • Theory of Measurements and Errors.
    • Chemical Education.
  • In Environmental Chemistry:
    • Green Chemistry.
    • Earth Sciences (focused on Environmental Fate of Chemicals in Soils)
    • Environmental Modeling and Software.
    • Environmental Pollution, Management, Remediation, Prevention and Control.
  • In Philosophy and History:
    • Environmental History (focused on relationship among science, nature, economy and religion)
    • Philosophy of Statistics, Technology, Modeling and Chaos.
    • History and Philosophy of Environmental Sciences.
    • Environmental Law and Governance (focused on relationship between science and politics)
  • In other personal interests and holistic topics:
    • Science Communication.
    • Latin American Philosophy (focused on Philosophy of Liberation)
    • Chemistry in pre-Hispanic or pre-Columbian cultures.
Obviously, I can't take all this subjects in only one postgraduate program, and Chile doesn't have this topics with the focus that I want. Then, I would study abroad and I will participate in several conferences, where learning is rewarding in itself.

In addition, if I could study abroad, I'd do a full-time course, because I need to give exclusive dedication to research and publications while I study (sadly, nowadays "publish or perish" is the basis of a good resume in natural science) Later, when I has already built a career path, I will contribute in a concrete way with applications of chemistry in socio-environmental conflicts and sustainable education.

domingo, 5 de noviembre de 2017

My future job

I really love what I do. But my story is just beginning. In fact, it fits in a small measuring flask:

I started my undergraduate studies
in Environmental 
Chemistry in 2009,
 and since 2011 I’m 
convinced to devote
 myself to scientific 
research. That year 
I discovered my love
 for Physical Chemistry
and now I know how to
 mix it with Environmental Sciences,
Chaotic systems, Uncerntainty and Philosophy
 of Theories, Models and Representations in Sciences
 (yes, it may sound strange at first, but they are intimately 
connected). In addition, my experiences in the “Universidad 
Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educaci贸n” gave me new visions
 about the great job of teachers, and how to transmit my knowledge
 to the next generations of scientists.

The work of  Environmental Chemists involve outdoor work (e.g. 
sampling under field conditions, participation in conferences) and
 indoor work (e.g. theoretical and experimental procedures), so I
 will travel a lot in and out of Chile.

I don’t think about salary, because I think if I love
 my job, I will do it well and I will motivate other
 people to work in the same, with their own
approaches and interests. 

At present, I’m a Master of Chemical Sciences, and I’m studying a PhD in Chemistry. In the future, I hope to use my knowledge to improve the social conditions of people in vulnerability situations, maybe focused on environmental racism and contributions to local knowledge and interest (e.g. Chemistry in prehispanic civilizations)

domingo, 29 de octubre de 2017


I enjoy all kinds of music, depending on my mood and thoughts. In this sense, I classify music according to rhythm, vocals, lyrics, focus and interaction among the previous aspects.

Some of my favorites music genres are Rap (e.g. Nach), Classical (e.g. Satie and Chopin), Rock (e.g. El Cuarteto de Nos), Symphonic metal (e.g. Therion), Bossanova (e.g. Coralie Clement), Folk (e.g. Blackmore’s Night), Accoustic (e.g. Billie Marten), among others, but most of my favorite groups belong to the electronic music, with lots of different styles. So, I made a tree with my favorite genres and their derivations, within the electronic style, I hope to order them in this way.

I chose two genres that explain my most common mood, passions and interests:

Neue Deutsche Todeskunst: A German genre from the early 1990s. It's about philosophical topics, such as existencialism, nihilism and pessimism, with nostalgia, longing, acceptance or sometimes despair. When I feel the pointless of our existence in a metaphysical approach, or the implicit futility in our daily acts and desires, I used to hear this genre to feel company with this feelings. Some good bands are Das Ich, Lacrimosa, Stillste Stund, Endraum, and Goethes Erben.

Future Pop: Funded by VNV Nation, is an energetic genre that speaks to us about the disappointing Modern Age, and how man turned against himself through misuse of science and technology. However, this songs have a hopeful meaning, calling for cooperation instead of competitiveness, and the correct use of knowledge considering our emotionality. New groups in this genre give new focuses, I recommend listening VNV Nation, the first and the best (personal opinion 馃槣)

If you are interested in listening some electronic group, and not just dancing, please feel free to use my tree of electronic music.

lunes, 23 de octubre de 2017

My favorite movie

I don't have a unique favorite movie, so I will speak about the most recent movie that I enjoy a lot. The film is named Kubo and the two strings (2016), and is about a boy, Kubo, who lives with his mother, Sariatu. She is an ill star, and protects her son from her sisters, that only appear during the night. In adittion, she tells him the tale of Hanzo, a samurai and Kubo's father, and how he sacrificed himself to keep his family alive.

One day, Kubo is late and is detected by his aunts. Kubo's mother saves him using a spell, and he is sent to find his father's armor to face them. In his travel, Kubo knows Monkey, an amulet that came to life to protect him, and Beetle, a cursed samurai with an hybrid human/beetle form.

On the journey, Kubo and friends learn about confidence, loyalty, friendship, empathy and love, defeating Kubo's aunts in a metaphorical overcome of doubts and personal problems. This is the principal reason to recommend the movie, and if you hate the spoilers, don't worry. I told you a brief synopsis but the journey itself and the end of the film are the best part!! (On the other hand, if you like spoilers, just look at the colors in this text 馃槢)

Now, suppose you have small children. No problem!! This is a familiar movie: Beetle is a very funny character; the story is full of fantasy, adventure and action; and the visual effects are beautiful, with vivid colors and a 3D stop-motion that will make you appreciate the work behind the creation of this film... and maybe it motivates you to make your own familiar stop-motion movie 馃槈

domingo, 22 de octubre de 2017

The best place I have visit

The best place I’ve ever stayed is Puc贸n, a southern city from Chile. This is a little place with lots of trees, souvenirs and a relaxed rhythm of life.

I visited this city for one week in October 2015, in a Latin-American conference about Environmental Sciences and a Chilean conference of Environmental Physics and Chemistry, but the city took all the attention. First, the people was very gentle, slow and they pay attention all the time to connect with their visitors and to make our stay more comfortable. Secondly, the food wasn’t expensive and the breakfast was always huge. Finally, the city is so interesting in a touristic view, because Villarrica Volcano is near, and in that time it was ejecting pyroclastic material. I took a lot of photos!! 馃寢

The hostel was hardly environmentally friendly, because they used to warm the place using firewood, and the smell was in all the city, due to that’s a recurrent practice in Puc贸n. The worst part is… this air pollution didn’t go with rain, so the people is constantly exposed to particulate matter. In this sense, the city was even more contaminated than Santiago!

On the other hand, the hostel was beautiful, it looks out over the whole city, including parks and a lake. If you add to this the nice people, food and tranquility, you probably have a strong reason to go and enjoy Puc贸n.

Personally, I've not been to Puc贸n after that time, but I really recommend this city now. Despite the environmental problems, it is a good place to visit as a tourist and to leave the burdens of a busy life, even for a week.

Country to visit

I would visit Mexico. I was there recently, in San Luis Potos铆, but I feel that there are lots of things to do even in that little city and I would visit this country again, and again, and again...

Some important places to visit are museums, for example the “Museo de la M谩scara” in San Luis Potos铆, historical and religious structures, such as churches and castles, and natural sanctuaries.

An aspect that makes Mexico unique is the rich mythology and culture of Aztecs, Toltecs, Olmecs, Mayas and other prehispanic civilizations. It was amazing that Quetazlcoatl (or Kukulcan) had a similar symbolism to the greek god Prometeus!! Or the sad association between Quetzalcoatl and the Devil because their serpent form.

In addition, the people of San Luis Potos铆 are so warm and gentle with foreign, I don’t have to pay lodging due to my new Mexican friends! And they love the multiculturality 馃槉 I hope that it is a characteristic of all Mexican people.